Cultural Samvaad| Indian Culture and Heritage

Hetal M. Kamdar

India, Indians and the quintessential Indianness with its diversity has always interested me. I believe in Unity in Diversity while at the same time celebrating our plurality. Unity lies not in obliterating boundaries, but in enjoying the lines between us and creating something out of them. I have read and studied for years and the write-ups reflect my understanding of the local Indian with a global perspective! I have a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce. But I was lost until I stumbled onto the Philosophy department in the University Of Mumbai where began my long journey of discovering India. I got a diploma in Jain Philosophy and then moved onto the Sanskrit department and that is where I have been parked ever since! On my way to a M.A. and a M.Phil. in Sanskrit , I also acquired diplomas in Advanced Sanskrit, Manuscriptology, Mysticism and Mythology. But there is lots to learn and miles to go before I sleep!