Cultural Samvaad| Indian Culture and Heritage

Republic Day of India | भारत का गणतंत्र दिवस | Sanskrit Shlokas and Greetings Hindi, English

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Republic Day -Unity and Fraternity

India, that is Bharat (भारत), celebrates her Republic Day (गणतंत्र दिवस) on the 26th of January every year. Republic Day is a momentous day for every Indian as it was on January, 26th, 1950, that the Constitution of India came into force. The Constitution derives its authority from we, the people of India, and on this day, the nation and her people not only celebrate her journey thus far but also reflect on how we can build a saare jahan se achcha India… Team Cultural Samvaad has curated some of the loftiest Sanskrit shlokas and quotes from other Indian languages on the motherland, nation building and the unity and integrity of the nation . Please feel to use them to wish each other on Republic Day. Jai Hind! जय हिन्द!

Republic Day Bharat Vishnu Purana Sanskrit Quote - Birth in India

India's Geographical Spread - Vishnu Purana - उत्तरं यत्समुद्रस्य

janani janmabhumischa svargadapi gariyasi

India - Unity in Diversity - Sanskrit Quote from Atharva Veda

जन जन भारत - सुमित्रानंदन पंत

Republic Day - Kadam kadam badhaye ja


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