Cultural Samvaad| Indian Culture and Heritage

Sanskrit Shlokas on Love | प्रेम Quotes

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Love is a multi-dimensional, multi-faceted emotion that binds living beings together. It has been extolled in Sanskrit literature and called variously depending on the context.  प्रीति, अनुराग, प्रेम, स्नेह – we know love by many synonyms…  Team Cultural Samvaad has curated some of the loftiest Sanskrit shlokas and quotes on love with their meanings in English and Hindi . Please feel to use them to ponder on the meaning of true love and greet your loved one on any special day and every day to celebrate love.

Sanskrit Shloka on Love - Uttaramacharitam 6.12

Sanskrit Shloka on Love - दर्शने स्पर्शने वाऽपि श्रवणे भाषणेऽपि वा ।

Sanskrit Shloka on Love - ददाति प्रतिगृह्णाति गुह्यमाख्याति पृच्छति ।

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