भगवद्गीता के ग्यारहवें अध्याय में अर्जुन श्रीक़ृष्ण से कहते हैं –
हे विष्णु! आपके इस आकाश को स्पर्श करते हुए, दैदीप्यमान अनेक रूपों को (वर्णों को); विस्तरित मुख को और प्रकाशमान विशाल नेत्रों को, देखकर मेरा अन्तःकरण भयभीत हो रहा है| मुझे धैर्य भी नहीं मिल रहा है और शान्ति भी नहीं प्राप्त हो रही है।
In Bhagavad Gita’s Chapter 11, Arjuna says to Krishna:
O Vishnu, the innermost recesses of my mind are trembling with fear on beholding your majestic form (vishwarupa) which is touching the heaven, is shining in multi-coloured hues, is open-mouthed and has large resplendent eyes. I can find neither peace nor support.
This shloka is also important because the motto of the Indian Air Force – नभःस्पृशं-दीप्तम् is extracted from this beautiful and powerful couplet.
Bhagavad Gita 11.24| भगवद्गीता ११. २४
Cultural Samvaad is a platform to understand, appreciate and discuss the multi-hued fabric of India's rich and plural culture, her vast heritage, her infinite wisdom and her indomitable spirit. For our team, this is a journey of trying to re-discover unique Indian idioms which are the cornerstones of this ancient civilisation and the glorious future that beckons us.
Cultural Samvaad has been founded by Garima Chaudhry. You can reach her at [email protected].
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