Cultural Samvaad| Indian Culture and Heritage

Father’s Day – Sanskrit Shlokas, Quotes and Greetings

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Father's Day - Sanskrit Shloka - सर्वदेवमय: पिता।

Sanskrit Shloka on Father's Day from Ramayana - 1

Father's Day Sanskrit Shloka - Padma Purana

Sanskrit Shloka on Fathers - Ramayana 2

Father's Day Sanskrit Quote - पितृदेवो भव

Editor’s Note: In the Indic tradition, the father (पिता or  बाबा or बाबू) and mother (माँ or अम्मा or आई) are worshipped and considered to be even higher than the Devatas who reside in the Devaloka above the earth in another realm. The tradition is replete with reminders that fathers deserve our respect and love every single day. The Sanatan Dharma even recognises the existence of Pitru Rina (पितृ ऋण).  Even though  Father’s Day is not an ancient celebration but given that many young Indians do observe the day, Team Cultural Samvaad decided to put together a collection of quotations and shlokas from Sanskrit literature to help them appreciate the untold importance of Fathers. The images are clickable and lead to pages that have more information on the shloka.


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