Cultural Samvaad| Indian Culture and Heritage

Navratri | Sanskrit Shlokas, Quotes and Wishes

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Navratri or Navaratri (literally nine nights) is a festival celebrated in India (primarily by Hindus) that honours the Devi, the Shakti, the indomitable Divine Feminine. (The three most commonly known and revered forms in India being Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati).

There are four Navratris during the course of a year. The most popular and widespread of these is the Ashwin Navratri which usually comes in the months of September/October and is synonymous with the worship of Maa Durga as she is fondly called. Chaitra Navratri, which falls in the months of March/April, is also observed by many devotees and marks the beginning of the new year in many regions of India. The other two Navratris are not observed by most lay devotees and are also referred to as gupt navratri.

Team Cultural Samvaad has curated some popular shlokas in Sanskrit (with their meanings in Hindi and English) in praise of the Devi. They can also be used to greet your family, friends and colleagues on Navaratri.

Navratri Sanskrit Shloka - Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu

Durga Saptashati

Navratri Sanskrit Shloka - Devi Durga

Navratri Sanskrit Shloka - Devi Prapannartihare

Durga Devi Mantra - सर्वमङ्लमाङ्गल्ये

Nava Durga – The 9 Forms of Durga

Navaratri Sanskrit Shloka - Mahamaya mahavidya


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