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Guru Tegh Bahadur was the Ninth human Guru in the Sikh tradition. He is generally referred to as ‘Hind ki Chaddar’ and will remain immortal in the history of India. He sacrificed himself to protect the Hindus and chose martyrdom over conversion. The ‘Sis Ganj Gurudwara’ at New Delhi is an eternal reminder of his ‘shaheedi’.
The extract from the Guru Granth Sahibji given below is timeless advice for every human being and if one could but put to practice even a modicum of his lofty thought; humankind will move to another orbit.
सोरठि महला ९ ।।
जो नरु दुख मै दुखु नही मानै ।।
सुख सनेहु अरु भै नही जा कै कंचन माटी मानै ।। १ ।। रहाउ ।।
नह निंदिआ नह उसतति जा कै लोभु मोहु अभिमाना ।।
हरख सोग ते रहै निआरउ नाहि मान अपमाना ।। १ ।।
आसा मनसा सगल तिआगै जग ते रहै निरासा ।।
कामु क्रोधु जिह परसै नाहनि तिह घटि ब्रहमु निवासा ।। २ ।।
गुर किरपा जिह नर कउ कीनी तिह इह जुगति पछानी ।।
नानक लीन भइओ गोबिंद सिउ जिउ पानी संगि पानी ।। ३ ।। ११ ।।
Guru Tegh Bahadur (Page 633 – Shri Guru Granth Sahibji)
Sorat’h, Ninth Mehl:
That man, who in the midst of pain, does not feel pain,
who is not affected by pleasure, affection or fear, and who looks alike upon gold and dust ||1||Pause||
Who is not swayed by either slander or praise, nor affected by greed, attachment or pride;
who remains unaffected by joy and sorrow, honour and dishonour.||1||
Who renounces all hopes and desires and remains desireless in the world;
who is not touched by sexual desire or anger – within his heart, God dwells. ||2||
That man, blessed by Guru’s Grace, understands this way.
O Nanak, he merges with the Lord of the Universe, like water with water. ||3||11||
Editor’s Note – For those who have grown up on Rudyard Kipling’s ‘If’, do compare what Guru Tegh Bahadurjii said almost over 150 years ago. It is Cultural Samvaad’s attempt to help wider audiences in rediscovering these gems from Indian tradition.Cultural Samvaad is a platform to understand, appreciate and discuss the multi-hued fabric of India's rich and plural culture, her vast heritage, her infinite wisdom and her indomitable spirit. For our team, this is a journey of trying to re-discover unique Indian idioms which are the cornerstones of this ancient civilisation and the glorious future that beckons us.
Cultural Samvaad has been founded by Garima Chaudhry. You can reach her at [email protected].
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