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Sanskrit Quote on importance of being with friends - व्याधितस्यार्थहीनस्य

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व्याधितस्यार्थहीनस्य देशान्तरगतस्य च ।

नरस्य शोकदग्धस्य सुहृद्दर्शनमौषधम् ।।

हिन्दी में भावार्थ

एक सच्चे मित्र का दर्शन (मित्र का साथ) रोग से ग्रस्त, निर्धन, विदेश में निवास करने वाले एवं दु:खी मनुष्य के लिये औषधि के समान ही लाभदायक होता है|

Meaning in English

The mere presence of a friend  (her or his company) acts like medicine for the one who is ill, for the one who is in need, for the one who is abroad (away from home) and for the one who is oppressed by grief.

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