हिन्दी में अर्थ
Meaning in English
He (Aditya or Sun or Surya) is omnipresent and pervades all with his infinite rays. He has seven horses yoked to his chariot and is the power behind the seven sense organs. He shines with brilliant light and is the destroyer of darkness, the bestower of happiness and prosperity and the remover of sufferings. He is the creator – the infuser of life.
आदित्य हृदय स्तोत्र – श्लोक संख्या ११ – Aditya Hridaya Stotra – Shloka No. 11
Roman Transliteration of the Shloka
haridaśvaḥ sahasrārciḥ saptasaptirmarīcimān।
timironmathanaḥ śambhustvaṣṭā mārtāṇḍa aṃśumān॥
This Surya mantra is a shloka is extracted from the Aditya Hridaya Stotra which occurs in the Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana. The Aditya Hridaya Stotra is believed to be one of the most powerful prayers in praise of the Sun God or Surya Devata.
Cultural Samvaad is a platform to understand, appreciate and discuss the multi-hued fabric of India's rich and plural culture, her vast heritage, her infinite wisdom and her indomitable spirit. For our team, this is a journey of trying to re-discover unique Indian idioms which are the cornerstones of this ancient civilisation and the glorious future that beckons us.
Cultural Samvaad has been founded by Garima Chaudhry. You can reach her at [email protected].
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