Cultural Samvaad| Indian Culture and Heritage
Water is Medicine - Sanskrit Quote from RigVeda - आप: सर्वस्य भेषज:

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आप: सर्वस्य भेषज:|

जल सब रोगों की दवा है|

Water is the cure for all illnesses.

ऋगवेद १०.१३७.६ | RigVeda 10.137.6

India is the land where water is worshipped and the ancient seers extolled the virtues of this elixir of life and proclaimed that water is medicine. However, India, like the rest of the world, has been plunged into a water crisis. We need to SAVE WATER. The time to act to save every drop of water is now… we need to act every day and not just on World Water Day which is celebrated on March 22 of every year.

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