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Guru Purnima Sanskrit Shloka and Card

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गुरौ तुष्टे च तुष्टाः स्युर्देवाः सर्वे सवासवाः|

गुरौ रुष्टे च रुष्टाः स्युर्देवाः सर्वे सवासवाः ॥

गुरु के प्रसन्न होने पर इन्द्र सहित सभी देवता प्रसन्न हो जाते हैं। गुरु के रुष्ट हो जाने पर इन्द्र सहित सभी देवता भी रुष्ट हो जाते हैं।

If the Guru is happy, all the Devatas including Indra will be happy (with you). If the Guru is unhappy, all the Devatas will be unhappy too.

स्कन्दपुराण | Skanda Purana

India has a timeless tradition of revering the Guru. The Guru has been regarded as greater than god and is worshipped by one and all. Guru Purnima (Full moon day of the month of Ashadha which falls in July-August)  and Teachers’ Day (5th September of every year) are two special days when Indians pay their obeisance to their Gurus and teachers and bow their heads in gratitude and reverence.      

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